The Panasonic Lumix DMC LX100 is a premium compact camera whose 13MP Micro Four Thirds sensor makes it the LX camera with the largest sensor to date. Thanks to its fixed Leica-branded zoom with an equivalent reach of 24-75mm, maximum aperture of f/1.7 and minimum focusing distance of 3cm, it is a great all-rounder for genres such as landscape, street, portraits and semi-macro. Because it offers a multi-aspect ratio sensor, you can take 4:3, 2:3 and 16:9 images with minimal loss in image size. Other features include a built-in EVF, built-in WiFi capabilities and 4K at 30p / Full HD at 60p.
Speaking on a more personal note, the LX100 is also one of my favourite cameras because it manages to pack so many good features – most notably the excellent fast-aperture zoom – into a small and portable body. I do hope Panasonic produces a successor sometime soon!
- Announcement date: September 15th 2014
- Release date: Fall 2014
The first section of this article features a gallery of the best sample images we took while testing the Lumix LX100 in the field. In the second section, you will find a selection of sample SOOC JPG and RAW files to download. We hope you enjoy browsing through them!
Ethics statement: We purchased the Lumix LX100 for review purposes in 2014 and subsequently sold it two years later to fund other gear. We were not asked to write anything about the camera, nor were we provided with any sort of compensation. Within the article, there are affiliate links. If you buy something after clicking the link, we will receive a small commission. To know more about our ethics, you can visit our full disclosure page. Thank you!
Panasonic Lumix LX100 Sample Images
The following gallery features a series of twenty Lumix LX100 sample RAW images, most of which were edited in Lightroom and exported as JPGs. Each image is accompanied by information about the shutter speed, aperture, ISO value, and focal length used.
Clicking an image will open a larger version in a new window.

SOOC JPG and RAW Samples to Download
The following is a selection of unedited SOOC JPG and RAW samples for you to download and experiment with. (Note that Lumix RAW files are called RW2.)
Check price of the Panasonic Lumix LX100 on Amazon | Amazon UK | B&H Photo | eBay